Tuesday 18 September 2012

  • It's Adventure... But Not As You Know It


    It's Adventure... But Not As You Know It

Geography Awareness Week

Geography Awareness Week (GAWeek), celebrated every third week of November, is an awareness program focused on highlighting the importance of geo-literacy and geo-education. A new theme for each year is announced in midsummer accompanied by related online resources and activities, which are then available year-round.

GAWeek 2012 - Declare Your Interdependence

This year’s Geography Awareness Week theme explores the idea that we are all are connected to the rest of the world through the decisions we make on a daily basis, including what foods we eat and the things we buy.

Have your students investigate their own interdependence by completing the “Global Closet Calculator”–an interactive game that aggregates the contents of their own closets by origin to generate a map showing their unique global footprint.

Download and print this year’s poster to find global connections with students by investigating the geography of the pencil or doing a hands-on version of the global closet game.

Planning Geography Awareness Week Events

Find everything you need to plan events in your own community, school, or neighborhood on the Geography Awareness Week toolkit page.


  • 2012 Downloadable Poster

    Download and print the official GAWeek 2012 poster to put on your wall or distribute to students. The colorful poster is also a rich learning tool with a map and several activities and resources.
  • Illustration: Girl coming out of a globe

    Real-World Geographers

    What do you want to be when you grow up? See how these people use geography skills in their exciting jobs every day.

Get Connected

  • NatGeoEd Blog

    Stay tuned for the 5th annual Geography Awareness Week Blog-a-thon for stories, photos, maps, and perspectives from adventurous communities around the globe!

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