Saturday 1 December 2012

People-powered maps

Great maps that show countries according to where people live.
Interesting article here: people-powered maps
slide show here: in pictures

main website here:

Thursday 22 November 2012

Ho fatto un transcript di questo video della BBC e ho individuato alcune cifre parole e concetti che gli studenti potrebbero divertirsi ad indovinare prima di vederlo .
I gaps sono di diverse tipologie e il transcript in un caso o due non รจ fedele.
Spero sia utile .

Thursday 15 November 2012

World population explained with IKEA boxes

Explaining population growth requires simplification, but not oversimplification.
In this TED video, Hans Rosling explains why ending poverty – over the coming decades – is crucial to stop population growth. Only by raising the living standards of the poorest, in an environmentally-friendly way, will population growth stop at 9 billion people in 2050.

Explaining population growth with IKEA boxes


Tuesday 6 November 2012

world population

Interactive updated data sheet on world population.

Go to    PRB world population

PRB has also produced a short informative video that  provides a simple overview of population trends that have created a world of 7 billion people.

here: 7 Billion and Counting

Friday 26 October 2012

Questo sito mette a disposizione una serie di giochi interattivi per il ripasso degli argomenti di geografia tutti basati sul Penalty shootout . Gli studenti si divertiranno molto !

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Homo Sapiens


Homo Sapiens Exhibit overview (Trento 2012)

text from

 What happened in that long and mysterious period of time between the birth of our genus Homo in Africa and that of the human history written with a capital ‘H’ that we study in school? Where did the many populations whose successors are living in every region of the Earth come from? We, as a human species, have only been on this planet for a very short time. 

Homo sapiens. The great history of human diversity tells where we came from and how we managed, migration by migration, to populate the entire planet, constructing a kaleidoscopic mosaic of current human diversity.
Today for the first time, an international group of scientists has begun to connect the paths of ancient history that led our species to leave a small valley in Ethiopia less than 200,000 years ago to colonize the whole planet, region after region, spreading to form a wide variety of peoples and different cultures.
The exhibition consists of an emotional, dramatic and profound narrative that is continuous, with an interdisciplinary approach to human evolution and the history of human diversity. It follows a chronological order of events and situations, with each section based on a mix of different forms of expression: the valuable original objects (a fossil, a tool, an artifact, an ethnographic object) in plaster casts and copies; reconstructions of scenes and stories, spectacular models of hominids and huge extinct animals, interactive displays, immersive video and photo installations; geographical maps and topographic maps. Environmental lighting and sounds then complete the installation, enriching it with artistic suggestions.

Watch the video
Homo Sapiens


Saturday 6 October 2012

Da La Repubblica 5 ottobre 2012
La guerra delle mappe. Vecchie carte o digitali, perchรฉ discutiamo sulla rappresentazione del mondo.

Achille Varzi La guerra delle mappe

Monday 1 October 2012

Mapping our world

What is the relationship between maps and globes ? How do different projections influence our perception of the world? Let's challenge the idea that there is one 'correct' version of the world map.

mapping our world

Sesame street. Grover's map of South America

Grover the waiter doesn't stop talking about "this wonderful, glorious map" of South America and his customer misses his flight.

Wednesday 19 September 2012

10 reasons why

10 Ten Reasons Why Every Student Should Study Geography

Geographic Education

Enseignement de la gรฉographie
To understand basic physical systems that affect everyday life (e.g. earth-sun relationships,
water cycles, wind and ocean currents).
To learn the location of places and the physical and cultural characteristics of those places
in order to function more effectively in our increasingly interdependent world.
To understand the geography of past times and how geography has played important
roles in the evolution of people, their ideas, places and environments.
To develop a mental map of your community, province or territory, country and the world
so that you can understand the “where” of places and events.
To explain how the processes of human and physical systems have arranged and
sometimes changed the surface of the Earth.
To understand the spatial organization of society and see order in what often appears to
be random scattering of people and places.
To recognize spatial distributions at all scales – local and worldwide – in order to
understand the complex connectivity of people and places.
To be able to make sensible judgements about matters involving relationships between the
physical environment and society.
To appreciate Earth as the homeland of humankind and provide insight for wise
management decisions about how the planet’s resources should be used.
To understand global interdependence and to become a better global citizen.
This video I found on Youtube is useful to get an idea about the advantagers and disadvantages of the different kind of maps used in geography

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Map Projection and yourself

cd’s What Your Favourite Map Projection Says About You
This captures the different opinions on some of the many map projections perfectly. You may have gathered from the opening lines of this post that projections are really important and often considered too complicated to bother with. I’m all for the Winkel-Tripel although I can’t claim to have been a fan before the National Geographic adopted it, as I would have been too young to care at the time.

  • It's Adventure... But Not As You Know It


    It's Adventure... But Not As You Know It

Geography Awareness Week

Geography Awareness Week (GAWeek), celebrated every third week of November, is an awareness program focused on highlighting the importance of geo-literacy and geo-education. A new theme for each year is announced in midsummer accompanied by related online resources and activities, which are then available year-round.

GAWeek 2012 - Declare Your Interdependence

This year’s Geography Awareness Week theme explores the idea that we are all are connected to the rest of the world through the decisions we make on a daily basis, including what foods we eat and the things we buy.

Have your students investigate their own interdependence by completing the “Global Closet Calculator”–an interactive game that aggregates the contents of their own closets by origin to generate a map showing their unique global footprint.

Download and print this year’s poster to find global connections with students by investigating the geography of the pencil or doing a hands-on version of the global closet game.

Planning Geography Awareness Week Events

Find everything you need to plan events in your own community, school, or neighborhood on the Geography Awareness Week toolkit page.


  • 2012 Downloadable Poster

    Download and print the official GAWeek 2012 poster to put on your wall or distribute to students. The colorful poster is also a rich learning tool with a map and several activities and resources.
  • Illustration: Girl coming out of a globe

    Real-World Geographers

    What do you want to be when you grow up? See how these people use geography skills in their exciting jobs every day.

Get Connected

  • NatGeoEd Blog

    Stay tuned for the 5th annual Geography Awareness Week Blog-a-thon for stories, photos, maps, and perspectives from adventurous communities around the globe!