Friday 26 October 2012

Questo sito mette a disposizione una serie di giochi interattivi per il ripasso degli argomenti di geografia tutti basati sul Penalty shootout . Gli studenti si divertiranno molto !

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Homo Sapiens


Homo Sapiens Exhibit overview (Trento 2012)

text from

 What happened in that long and mysterious period of time between the birth of our genus Homo in Africa and that of the human history written with a capital ‘H’ that we study in school? Where did the many populations whose successors are living in every region of the Earth come from? We, as a human species, have only been on this planet for a very short time. 

Homo sapiens. The great history of human diversity tells where we came from and how we managed, migration by migration, to populate the entire planet, constructing a kaleidoscopic mosaic of current human diversity.
Today for the first time, an international group of scientists has begun to connect the paths of ancient history that led our species to leave a small valley in Ethiopia less than 200,000 years ago to colonize the whole planet, region after region, spreading to form a wide variety of peoples and different cultures.
The exhibition consists of an emotional, dramatic and profound narrative that is continuous, with an interdisciplinary approach to human evolution and the history of human diversity. It follows a chronological order of events and situations, with each section based on a mix of different forms of expression: the valuable original objects (a fossil, a tool, an artifact, an ethnographic object) in plaster casts and copies; reconstructions of scenes and stories, spectacular models of hominids and huge extinct animals, interactive displays, immersive video and photo installations; geographical maps and topographic maps. Environmental lighting and sounds then complete the installation, enriching it with artistic suggestions.

Watch the video
Homo Sapiens


Saturday 6 October 2012

Da La Repubblica 5 ottobre 2012
La guerra delle mappe. Vecchie carte o digitali, perché discutiamo sulla rappresentazione del mondo.

Achille Varzi La guerra delle mappe

Monday 1 October 2012

Mapping our world

What is the relationship between maps and globes ? How do different projections influence our perception of the world? Let's challenge the idea that there is one 'correct' version of the world map.

mapping our world

Sesame street. Grover's map of South America

Grover the waiter doesn't stop talking about "this wonderful, glorious map" of South America and his customer misses his flight.